17 Bayes Nets 1


贝叶斯网是一种反映joint distribution的方式。

试想我们有10个variables, 那么要展示他们的FD就需要2^10行(assuming the domain of these variables are true of false).However, 很多variables之间如果是independent的话,我们就不需要这个2^10的表。我们可以用bayes net去反映着这个FD。

Bayes net的好处:


2) 更好的展示variable之间的关系

Bayes net的坏处:

1)not every bn can represent every FD

接下来我们开始学习bayes net

1)independence和conditional independence的知识;

2)Bayes net的基本样子;

3) Bayes net的概率推论及其例子;


Conditional Independence

Conditional Independence and Chain Rule

Bayes Net and Chain rule and Conditional Independence

Bayes Nets

  • A new way to represent Joint Distribution.

  • Reduce the number and size of the joint distribution.

  • And easy to understand the relationship among the variables.

Bayes Net Semantics



next course

By just BN graph, what can we infer from it.

How to answer miracle query

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